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Collaborative Action Network (CAN):

Toledo Youth Development

TutorSmart is proud to be heading up the Youth Development Collaborative Action Network (CAN) in the Greater Toledo area. This Toledo Youth Development CAN will work to improve youth outcomes during out-of-school-time programs throughout the community. We will focus on identifying and implementing consistent methods of measuring youth outcomes across programs and engaging in the continuous improvement process.




This larger conversation by key players in the after school youth development sector will help us guide partners to address the needs of the community, as well as tackle challenges faced by those who work in this space. Work sessions with Toledo Public Schools and Aspire Toledo have helped TutorSmart frame their model for partnership including how to guide partners delivering programming to incorporate best practices, to collect good data and utilize it to continuously improve as well as how to share that process with stakeholders in a meaningful way.


Mirroring Aspire Toledo’s work building and connecting an effective, agile community wide system, TutorSmart works to build a collaborative system of after school tutoring providers that will support students who are struggling academically in the schools where that intervention is needed most.


Contact us today for more information.

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